I am a MSc student in Data Science, enrolled in EIT Digital Master School Double Degree Program:

  • first year: Politecnico di Milano (Milan, Italy)
  • second year (now): KTH (Stockholm, Sweden)

Since I was little, I have always had a passion for technology and I was curious and fascinated by the world of computers and the Internet. I am also highly motivated, determined and polite with good planning and time management skills.

Interested in stats, data science and visualization.

I am also into

  • 🔭 space exploration and astronomy
  • 📖 reading
  • 🏃🏻 running
  • 🚴🏻 bike touring
  • 🎶 listening to music

💼 I am looking for a Data Science internship in 2023.

Ideas are worthless. Execution plus idea is everything.


  • Text Editor in C: designed, coded and tested a line text editor (like ed) with some functions, such as delete, print, change, undo and redo.
  • Histogram Equalization Machine in VHDL: coded a hardware component that uses an equalization algorithm to recalibrate the contrast of an image.
  • Videogame in Java: designed, developed in a group of three and tested (with JUnit) an online videogame inspired by the physical boardgame “Master of Renaissance”.
  • PC Configuration Telegram Bot in Python: created a Telegram bot for a client who contacted me on Fiverr, a freelance services marketplace. The bot helps people to configure a PC with all required components.
  • TelCo WebApp in Java/MySQL/HTML: coded a website that simulates a telecommunication company that creates packages to sell to customers.
  • Artificial Neural Network and Deep Learning Project in Python, Keras, Numpy, Pandas, Tensorflow: coded an algorithm that predicates future samples of a multivariate time series and developed a Neural Network able to correctly classify leaves images.